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Iguanas as Pets

Iguanas are certainly one of the most popular lizards to be kept as pets. There are a multitude of online resources available to iguana owners or potential owners.
The pages listed below cover the basics (and sometimes in-depth) considerations for iguana care, certainly far better than I could. There are a few points that I would like to cover before listing some of the better iguana pages on the Net.


A monkey is any cercopithecoid (Old World monkey) or platyrrhine (New World monkey) primate. All primates that are not prosimians or apes are monkeys. The 264 known extant monkey species represent two of the three groupings of simian primates (the third group being the 22 species of apes). Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent and, unlike apes, monkeys usually have tails.

The New World monkeys are classified within the parvorder Platyrrhini, whereas the Old World monkeys (superfamily Cercopithecoidea) form part of the parvorder Catarrhini, which also includes the apes. Thus, scientifically speaking, monkeys are paraphyletic (not a single coherent group) and Old World monkeys are actually more closely related to the apes than they are to the New World monkeys.

All about fish

Pet Care is Important to Keep Your Pets Healthy

We find that many people love to keep pets. People who love animals always keep one at home. Cats and dogs are the two most common animals kept as pets. They are a source of companionship and the house is livened with the playful activities of the pet-animals. Having dogs as pets is preferred by a majority of the people, because dogs are loyal and they guard the house. Some people dread keeping animals because they either hate to take care of them, or they are scared of allergies from pets.
Apart from cats and dogs, there are so many other animals that are kept,like rabbits, fish, birds like parrots and love birds, guinea pig and sometimes monkey's, spiders and even snakes. It is always better to avoid keeping wild animals as pets.

Rabbits as Pets - Is a Rabbit the Right Pet for You?


Rabbits can make absolutely delightful pets, but as always, having the right expectations will help you develop a strong bond with your pet. Find out all you can about the care of pet rabbits as well as the pros and cons of pet rabbits before choosing a pet rabbit.
Answer: Rabbits are very social as well as active and playful, forming close bond with their owners. As long as you know what to expect from a pet rabbit, they have the potential to be wonderful pets.
Life expectancy: varies with breed, anywhere from 5 to 15 years.


Petition to Protect Ohio Migration Habitat

At first glance, wind turbines seem to be ideal environmentally conscious energy sources. Second glance, however, may reveal hundreds of dead and injured birds at the base of irresponsibly placed turbines, particularly near critical migratory stopover habitats such as the marshes of northwestern Ohio. The Black Swamp Bird Observatory, Ohio Ornithological Society and Greater Mohican Audubon Society have begun a petition to protect that vital habitat, urging greater research of the effects of noncommercial wind turbines - those for schools, businesses and private residences - which are currently unregulated for positioning.

Birds using stopover sites have different flight patterns than birds in active migration, and those flight patterns are not yet being considered when choosing wind turbine placement. By raising awareness of this critical distinction among public officials, it is hoped that renewable energy sources can be used in environmentally responsible ways.

Source : birding.about.com

Mailbag Monday – Disappearing Goldfinches

Today is Mailbag Monday, when readers' birding questions take the spotlight. This week, Beth from New Jersey asks...

"My goldfinches have been missing from my feeder for about a week now. Could they have moved on to find a more comfortable place to roost through the cold months? Will they come back?"

American goldfinches are notoriously disloyal and even though you may have clean bird feeders filled with Nyjer, they won't always stay in the same area. In New Jersey - and most of the continental United States - they are year-round residents, however, and if your feeders are suitable and filled, they will return.

Many birders also believe their American goldfinches have left when in fact, the birds are there all along - but their non-breeding plumage can be harder to recognize. Winter American goldfinches don't have the bright yellow coloration or black cap, and instead have an overall olive-yellow color with black and white wings. Before concluding that your finches have abandoned your feeders, look for them in this winter disguise!

Source : birding.about.com

How to change your pet's diet

If you have decided to change your pet's diet, feed your pet a combination of the new and old food over a 10-day period to get them used to the new texture and smell. Abrupt changes to a pet's diet can trigger diarrhea and other intestinal upsets, especially if your pet has a sensitive stomach, so be deliberate and consistent in how you do it.

On the first day, feed your pet 90 percent old food, 10 percent new food; continue on the second day with 80 percent old food, 20 percent new food and so on. At the end of the 10-day period, your pet should be fully transitioned to the new food.

As always, consult your veterinarian on the nutritional needs of your pet.

The information used in this report is approved by PetSmart nutritionists and vet experts.

Information from "Small Animal Clinical Nutrition," 4th Edition, Hand, Thatcher, Remillard, Roudebush, Copyright 2000 by Mark Morris Institute was used in this report.

Tips to overcome delinquency cat

Cats always leave scratches to mark territory, sharpen their nails and mergangkan muscle. But what would happen if your pet cats destroying furniture? All you need to do is to distract them and do not neglect to feed also toys to give it a little busy. Here are tips to overcome them

The Top Three Most Popular Reptile Pets

Reptiles are now more popular than dogs as pets, a fact that appeared as a result of a survey carried out in early 2008. guess the most popular reptiles reptile pets. Like many things pet related, you need to make the right choice, and just as choosing a badly suited breed of dog can cause problems, the same is true of reptiles.

The easiest to care for tend to be the most popular also, and as such are great first reptiles, so here they are:-

Give Your Pets Proper Training

Puppies or dogs are one of the cutest living creatures we have here on earth. They are very cuddly and so hug-gable and do not disregard the fact that they can be trained. Training them requires patience and diligence form the owner.

Wouldn’t be nice if you could have tell your dog to pick up the newspaper everyday or ask it to just sit and behave whenever there are visitors around your house? It will be a nice pleasure to see them follow your orders in a good way and it give you a sense of happiness. Dogs are said to be man’s best friend and they certainly are. They connect to humans very well and they could understand what you have been telling them. Having your dogs trained can be a good break so you and your pet could bond and get along well. There are certain gadgets that could help you when training your pets some of these are tracking system or GPS locator system which will help you locate them when are allowed to stroll along the corner, dog training collar to help you hold them whenever they tend to move a lot and a more.

Giving your pets a break and training them to behave is really helpful. These pets are the best helpers you could ever have. You can make them learn how to swim, roll over, sit or play other silly stuffs that the whole family and you can enjoy. Making them a part of your family, give them the things they need and show them that you love and care for them. Dogs or puppies are one of the best gifts you could give or pets you could ever have. Embrace them very well and teach them to be good. Make your home a place for good people and well trained pets.

By: Rey Stevenson
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Today's Tips

hewan-peliharaan-ts-150.jpgReduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by raising animals such as cats, rabbits or dogs. Pets can keep blood pressure under control when you are stressed.

source : detikhealth.com

How Can you Tell if Your Cat Really is a Maine Coon?

The Maine Coon cat has been called “the king of the domestic cat world”. The breed is visually stunning with its beautiful long ruff, bushy “raccoon like” tail and large tufty paws. The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat and visitors to our house are shocked to discover our 2-year old male kitten has another 2-3 years to grow before he is classed as an adult. As well as the Maine Coon’s striking physical appearance, the breed has an inquisitive, friendly and lively personality.

I’ve had many people ask the question, “ I think my cat is at least part Maine Coon…how can I tell?”

This is how the Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association (MCBFA) answer the question on their website:

“The Maine Coon is America’s native longhair cat; it evolved naturally in response to the New England climate. Your cat’s ancestors might be similar to the cats that founded the Maine Coon breed. However, it’s impossible to tell from just looking at your cat if it is related to the Maine Coon or any other breed. Because the Maine Coon is a natural breed and hasn’t been bred to the extremes, there are cats all over the world that resemble the Maine Coon. The only way to tell for sure if your cat is a Maine Coon is to look at the pedigree.”

Ok, that may not help much because most people do know when they have a pedigree Maine Coon because they have papers verifying the pedigree.

So, if you don’t have papers how can you tell if you have at least a part Maine Coon?

Firstly, these cats are not normal! They have distinctive personality traits and unique Maine Coon features. If your cat has some or all of the following, you can be sure you have a cat with dominant Maine Coon breeding:

The Right Food to Feed Ragdoll Cats And Kittens

Cat food can be classified into dry, moist, and semi-moist foods. Each one has its advantages, and Ragdolls need various kinds of food at different stages. Kittens need on the whole breast milk and moist food, while adults require more protein and dry food. Pregnant Ragdolls have special dietary needs that change all through the pregnancy as well.

Ragdoll kittens ought to be only breastfed for the first four to five weeks. Cat milk includes all the nutrients necessary for the kitten's growth, including antibodies that help prevent disease. Breast milk also passes on other antibodies that the mother produced to fight previous diseases.

More food ought to be supplied after four to five weeks, as the kitten requires more nutrients to support its fast growth. Introductory food ought to be easy to digest. Mix canned food with warm water or kitten replacement milk until it constitutes a loose paste. Do NOT use regular cow's milk this is too heavy for kittens and could cause in indigestion.

How To Bathe Your Cat

Are you wondering if you can give your cat a bath? You can give your cat a bath, however they don't always need one. Cats are generally pretty clean pets, they usually clean themselves multiple times a day.

If you know you will want to bathe your cat frequently, you should start when they are a kitten so they won't be afraid of baths when they are an adult. However, if you have an adult cat who has gotten extremely dirty and can't get the job done itself, you will have to give it a bath. So, how can you go about doing this?

You may want to bathe your cat in your sink so you don't hurt your back leaning over the tub. Slowly wet your cat everywhere except their head. Never wet your cat's head. If their head is dirty, jump wipe it with a damp cloth. When washing your cat, either pour water on them slowly from a bowl or use a wash cloth. Also, keep the plug out of your sink so your cat isn't standing in water.

When you're ready to shampoo them, use cat-friendly shampoo, not human shampoo. Massage the shampoo onto your cat this may relax them and make the bath more enjoyable for them. Rinse out the shampoo with a bowl or wash cloth. To dry your cat put it on a towel while rubbing it with another towel.

If your cat has never gotten a bath before, you may want to have help during this whole process. Have another person next to you holding the cat's head and talking to your cat. They can even give your cat a couple treats to keep it cooperative. You will want to keep the bath to around 5 minutes or your cat will probably begin to protest.

source :By Vince Armstrong  ezinearticles.com

Cat Training - Can You Do It?

The Ultimate Cat secrets is a wealth of information on how you can have a more affectionate loving cat and one that actually comes when u call their name. One that will eat the food you want him or her to eat. One that will just be a pet that you always wanted. It's all in the training It's a beautiful gift to know that you and your cat will be closer and your kitty will understand what you want. This review has many stars in my book. The ultimate Cat secrets e-book is the best. Check out some of these benefits:

1)Trains how to make your cat stop biting
2) How to understand your cats behavior and getting to know their various noices. (What they want)
3)How scolding and punishing cats do not work.
4) Helps you decide what kind of cat to get and what gender
5) Cat allegies
6) This training helps your can be more affectionate and loving.

Cats are great pets but why let them Meow all over you. We all love our cats and so does Mary Mathews.

She loved cats all her life and now she gives up all her secrets in this book. U can see with all her lessons it would be a god sent for your cat to behave in the way you want. Like I had said this review is for all you cat lovers who has one or is thinking about getting one. With the information here u can do it. Simply put Ultimate Cat secrets is the best! Hands down.

Overview: This product Utlimate Cat secrets is the best. It definitly has the information that cat lovers need and are looking for. It's a pleasure to review this e-book. If I could just help one cat be more affecionate and loving to their master. I did my job! Thanks for reading. God bless!

Article Source: EzineArticles.com