1. Give a special place for him and place it clawed at the location where your cat likes bersantai.Misalkan the right place is always exposed to light from the window.
2. Experimenting with some models place the cat scratching to find your taste. Keep in mind that each cat likes the texture of different surfaces. Suppose cardboard, wood or carpet. Note also the way you put it, horizontally or vertically.
3. Encourage your cat to use a special claw that has been provided. And reward him with food also praise.
4. Consider to give more attention to your cat when he naps. Move his bed closer to a place that had already prepared a special claw for it used. The habit of each cat would scratch when they wake up.
5. Avoid punishing your cat if he was scratched in places that are not supposed to. Punishment does not teach your cat to scratch at the place you are banned, but will not stop clawing at the place when you're not there.
6. Cats are most like clawing the couch. Avoid letting the cat scratches the sofa long even if you plan to get rid of the couch. This will only add to his habit of your new sofa scratch.
7. If the above does not work, consult this issue with your veterinarian before giving up. Destructive behavior is the main reason why people give up to keep the cat and replace it with another pet.
Must diperhatika, cats as well as humans who sometimes taste. Yelling and loud sounds can cause your cat experiencing panic and increase the damage behavior. Cat's claw is a natural behavior, so it hinders them to scratch in one area will not make him stop scratching elsewhere.
Good luck ...
Source: detikhot.com